What is Happening?

Life is so strange. Life is strange for all of us right now for a huge variety of reasons, and we're all coping differently.  Some people are doing really well, others have mental health issues, some have physical health issues, some have financial issues, and there are obviously endless other kids of issues.  It's a …


This is going to sound weird, but I just watched an interview with Shane Warne that made me think. He said this really interesting thing near the end that really resonated with me.  He was talking about how he missed the camaraderie of being in the Australian cricket team, and the feeling of being part …


This is something I've been talking to my year 7 homeroom about. I do not do what I do because of who the people around me are.  I do what I do because of who I am.  I do what I do because of who God has made me to be.  I do what I …

Imposter Syndrome Part 2

Yes, we all feel like frauds from time to time (or constantly), which is why it's so important to really know who we are.  We must have something deeper than our momentary thoughts and feelings to anchor us.  Our emotions are fleeting and manipulative.  The way I feel doesn't always reflect reality, and I need …

Imposter Syndrome

I've had a couple of really interesting conversations in the last week. We often don't see ourselves the way others do, in fact I don't think we ever do.  We see all our internal thoughts and reasoning.  We see our incompetence and insecurities.  We see our flaws, and the things we struggle with.  We see …


It's been so long since I've posted anything.  I keep meaning to, but I don't know where to start, so I don't start.  People keep asking me how I'm settling back in, and I never quite know how to answer. How am I settling in?  Very well and very badly. Very well: Life in Australia …

Take Me Deeper

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Saviour


I just spent a few days in an interior village disconnecting, self-reflecting, and recalibrating.  I had no idea how much I needed it. I haven't been in a brilliant place over the last few weeks.  Staying for just one extra semester means that I haven't entirely put down my emotional roots again after trying to …


What is my calling?  Sometimes we get specific callings; things we know we are meant to do at a specific time.  Everything lines up and it's clear that God is leading us to a particular place at a particular time.  At other times we have no idea. I have no idea. What on earth am I …